
Most of the stories on this site have been told using the words of Scott Higgins or are an excerpt from another person/s. In the latter case, we believe the use is in accord with fair use guidelines. Our practise is to reference the source and where possible provide a link to it and/or where it can be purchased. If you are the copyright owner of an excerpt and believe our use is unfair, please let us know and we will remove it from the site.

In the case of stories told using the words of Scott Higgins, copyright belongs to Scott Higgins. Permission is granted to use these stories in church/school/community newsletters, sermons and other speeches. In these instances the user does not need to notify us nor gain our permission. Users do not have permission to replicate the stories as part of a collection of stories/anecdotes/illustrations, to reproduce them in any for profit publication, or to use them for any purpose other than those identified above.